Internships and Work Study
Internships, Work Based Learning, and Apprenticeships provide students with a window to their future. These opportunities actively engage the student with business partners and community organizations in valuable work experiences, building both technical and professional workplace skills.
"Far and away the best prize that life has to offer is the chance to work hard at work worth doing."
-Theodore Roosevelt
Youth Apprenticeship
450 hours
4 credits possible (completer)
Can lead to employment opportunities for the apprentice
Paid experience
Approved by the Maryland Department of Labor
Related Coursework: Determined by the needs of the employer and the specific career field
Work Based Learning
270 hours per semester
2 credits each semester
Can lead to an entry level job/career
Paid experience
Approved by AACPS Internship Facilitators
Related Coursework: Completed program at CAT North
135 hours (minimum)
1 -2 credits possible
Can lead to valuable, resume worthy experience for the intern
Paid or Unpaid experience
Approved by AACPS Internship Facilitators
Related Coursework:
Student selected based on targeted skills, career interest and goals
For more information